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Company car and the Dutch payroll tax
As an entrepreneur, you can provide your staff with a company car. The employee then drives professionaly - and sometimes also privately - in a car that you have purchased and write off at your company. This use can have consequences for the wage tax return. Also, when you are on the payroll as a...
Low-income benefit
To make it more attractive for employers to hire and keep people with low wages, it is possible to get compensation for the wage costs of these employees. In this article you can read whether and how you qualify for this low-income benefit (LIV).
Youth LIV
If you employ employees between the ages of 18 and 21 or are considering hiring staff in this age category, you may be entitled to youth LIV: a compensation for wage costs.
Saving on personnel costs (without dismissing staff)
For employers who need to cut costs, laying off staff is often the most effective, but least desirable solution. Because employees are usually as indispensable as they are expensive, in this article we list 7 ways in which you can save on personnel costs, without having to compromise on human...
Reduction AWf-premium from August 2021
Starting August 2021, the Dutch AWf- premium is reduced. Employers will be compensated because they will have to pay less payroll taxes to the general unemployment fund. (also known as WW-premium). The new premiums are more than 2% lower than before starting from August, 2021. The low rate goes...
Corona and Dutch payroll measures
In 2020 companies in The Netherlands received a total of 15 billion euro to compensate for payroll expenses. The Dutch research institute CBS calculated this in April 2021. In addition to this NOW (Emergency Measure for Employment Preservation) compensation, budget has been and will be made...
Financially healthy employees: A four-step plan
This article shows what steps employers can take to prevent the wage seizure of employees, how to support employees whose wages are seized and ensure your employees are financially healthy.
When do you receive low or high unemployment (WW) premium?
We can speak of a stand-by agreement if the scope of the work is not determined in the number of hours per time period of a maximum of one month. This also applies if the size of the work not determined in the number of hours in a time period of a maximum of one year and where the right of payment...
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